If you decide to get a Labrador I can definitively say without a doubt they will chew anything at all they can get their teeth into, ANYTHING !
Milo loves gardening too, Pulling leaves off any plant or tree and tasting it, Soil testing including digging and eating it to check for ph level obviously, He removes pebbles, Stones and coal and chews them then trims the grass and pulls weeds.
He loves meeting people when I hang around outside the shops and people seem happy to meet him too, He is getting very heavy to stand and hold now though but as he has had his second jabs and chip now he will soon be moving under his own steam instead of me carrying him.
The trip to the vet was quite pleasant as he got to look at a couple of other dogs in the waiting room and was all tail wags when he met the nice vet, Never noticed when she gave him his Jabs and was still wagging his tail when she attacked him with a big needle and made him yelp while putting the chip in.
Milo refused to have anything else to do with the Vet or me who was holding him refusing to look at either of us from then on, I think he has forgiven me now but not so sure the Vet is on his Christmas card list anymore.
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